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What should you say to an IRS debt collection agent?

On Behalf of | Feb 22, 2024 | Federal And State Tax Collections |

When you find yourself facing IRS debt collection, you might feel panicked and overwhelmed. Knowing how to communicate with the agent can make a significant difference in resolving the situation.

With a few helpful tips on what you should and should not say, you can confidently navigate an interaction with an IRS debt collection agent.

Be honest and transparent

Transparency is key when dealing with the IRS. Be honest about your financial situation and provide accurate information regarding your income, expenses and assets. Concealing or misrepresenting facts can lead to further complications.

Ask for clarifications

If you are unsure about any aspects of the debt or the collection process, do not hesitate to ask the agent for clarification. Understanding your rights and responsibilities can help you make informed decisions and potentially negotiate a manageable payment plan.

Provide documentation

Supporting your claims with documentation can strengthen your case and demonstrate your willingness to cooperate. Pay stubs, bank statements or tax returns can expedite the resolution process.

Propose a payment plan

If you are unable to pay the full amount owed upfront, proposing a payment plan may be a viable option. Be prepared to outline how much you can afford to pay each month and provide reasoning behind your proposed terms.

Follow up as needed

Stay proactive throughout the process by following up with the IRS as needed. Whether it is to provide additional information or inquire about the status of your case, staying engaged can help ensure that you address your concerns in a timely manner.

The law requires the IRS to use private agencies when collecting outstanding tax debts. While these agencies are separate from the IRS, they conduct business on behalf of the U.S. government. This makes it all the more important to know your rights and options when dealing with an agent.